Foreign Minister Douglas meets US Ambassador Taglialatela

ST KITTS AND NEVIS FOREIGN MINISTER DR. DENZIL L. DOUGLAS, MET WITH US AMBASSADOR accredited to the Federation, Linda Taglialatela, when the envoy visited the twin-island recently.

Douglas and Taglialatela, held wide-ranging discussions on national, regional and international issues that can help fashion the blueprint for programmes and policies as part of the Government’s mandate.


 Ambassador Taglialatela was eager to learn about the Foreign Minister’s priorities for his Ministries as well as the national agenda. When he responded, Douglas highlighted the shift of his country away from fossil fuel dependence to a renewable energy; reducing dependence on the Peace Programme, and efforts to bridge the digital divide.

He also briefed the US envoy on creating employment opportunities for the nation’s youths; increasing the manufacturing capacity of the Federation as well as the advancement of agriculture to become one of the main drivers of the economy.

Dr Douglas lauded the ties between the two countries since Basseterre gained its independence from Britain more than 39-years ago.

Dr Douglas assured Ambassador Taglialatela that St Kitts and Nevis wants to deepen and strengthen relations with Washington.