Five-member Basseterre delegation participating in COP27

The Caribbean twin-island Federation of St Kitts and Nevis has sent a five-member delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
The two-week climate change conference runs from November 6 to 18.
 The delegation comprising Cheryl Jeffers, Derionne Edmeade, Nydia Taylor, Sybastian Manners, and Cordiesere Walters is the largest ever from Basseterre to attend the UNCCC forum.

COP27 is the largest global meeting on climate change involving world leaders and government officials tackling to tackle some of the heaviest issues surrounding climate. The summit will focus on three main areas: reducing emissions, helping countries to prepare for and deal with climate change; and to secure technical support and funding for developing countries.
 At COP26 last year, several key issues not concluded then are expected to conclude in this year’s agenda in Egypt. These include loss and damage finance, which is the money to help countries recover from the effects of climate change; establishment of a global carbon market, which entails pricing the effects of emissions into products and services globally; and strengthening commitments to reduce coal use.
St Kitts and Nevis Government has positioned itself along with its regional counterparts to provide a unified front at  the current COP27.
Climate Action and Environment Minister, Dr. Joyelle Clarke has taken the lead in several high-level discussions including virtual dialogues with other CARICOM Environment Minister and another virtual dialogue on climate justice.